Information provided on this Internet site is solely intended to serve the purpose of presenting the company of Grossmann & Berger GmbH and its products and services. It is made available without any guarantee or warranty, whether explicit or tacit. In particular, all guarantees as to the completeness and correctness of the information, the trading capability of products and their suitability for certain purposes, or the non-violation of the rights of third parties, are excluded.
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This Internet site contains links or references to the Internet sites of third parties. These are only made available for reasons of consumer-friendliness and imply no approval on the part of Grossmann & Berger as to the content of the linked Internet site. Grossmann & Berger has checked the information provided there, to the best of its knowledge and belief, with the care of a prudent businessman. Indications as to infringements of the law by the linked sites will be investigated immediately and, if necessary, the links will be removed.
Grossmann & Berger accepts no responsibility for the availability or the content of these Internet sites. Liability on the part of Grossmann & Berger for damage of whatever sort arising from the use of such content is excluded.
The above limitations on liability do not apply if Grossmann & Berger has caused the damage deliberately or through grossly negligent behaviour, or in cases of product liability.